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Why the Strymon Timeline Looper is so cool!

In this video, I am demonstrating the pre/post delay looper function and the stop/play exit mode on the looper of the Strymon Timeline.


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How To Play In All Keys on Guitar?

In this video, I'm going to share with you what to do to become good with scales, modes, arpeggios and chords all over the fretboard in...

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What's the difference between octaver, pitch shifter and harmonizer pedals?

In this video, I cover the differences between octaver, pitch shifter and harmonizer pedals.

In a nutshell:

Octaver: combines your guitar signal...

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Immerse vs. Immerse Mk II by Neunaber (in-depth reverb comparison)

Here is an in-depth comparison between the original Neunaber Immerse and the new Immerse Mk II.

The Immerse Mk II has a ton of new features:
- Mix...

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Neunaber Immerse Mk II demo

I got the chance to try the Neunaber Immerse Mk II.

What a great pedal it is!

I absolutely love the new sustain mode to freeze your reverb sound,...

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Source Audio Nemesis Demo

I get to play with the Nemesis for the first time.

What a beast! So many possibilities.

In this video, I show you the sounds that you can get...

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Which power bricks are best for pedalboards?

Which power bricks should you use to power all pedals on your pedalboard?

In this video I cover what I'm using and why those are great solutions to...

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Walrus Audio Descent Reverb Demo

We can get lots of creative, unusual sounds with the Walrus Audio Descent, using the reverse, shimmer and octaves of the pedal.

Here are 10 sounds...

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Minor 11 chord shapes

In this video I demonstrate many chord shapes of min11 chords. 

Minor11 chords are so cool and sound so good! I hope these voicings will help...

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Strymon Timeline Demo

Here's a demo of 10 stock presets sounds that were surprinsingly good on the Strymon Timeline!

This pedal is so versatile. 

Click on the video...

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