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10 Beautiful Chords To Play With A Partial Capo

In this video, I'm going to show you different chords you can play with a partial capo, by taking examples from my 2 latest ambient songs on the...

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Strymon NightSky vs. Strymon BigSky

Should you get the Strymon BigSky or Strymon NightSky? Does the NightSky replace the BigSky? Which one is better?

That's what I'm answering in this...

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Strymon NightSky Sequencer Demo (3 Ways To Use The Sequencer Creatively)

Today, I'm showing you how to use the sequencer of the new Strymon NightSky reverb.

I'm then demonstrating 3 musical applications of the pedal with...

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Get Vintage, LoFi, Retro synth-like tones on Guitar (like Tycho, Boards of Canada)

In this video, I will show you how you can play some vintage, retro synth-like tones with a guitar.

Tones like 'Tycho' or 'Boards of Canada'.


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EBow vs. TC Electronic Aeon (which one should you get?)

Today, I'm going to try 2 string sustainers: the original EBow and the new Aeon by TC Electronic.

If you've never played string sustainers before,...

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Strymon NightSky Time-Warped Reverberator: 10 Musical Sound Clips

This video demo shows you 10 different musical soundclips to hear what you can do with the Strymon NightSky Time-Warped Reverberator.

And this is...

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Bass Note Chord Tweaks To Get Lush New Voicings (using chords you already know!)

Which note makes the biggest difference on how a chord sounds?

Of course, it's the bass note!

It becomes the foundation of your chord, and all the...

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The Empty Loop Technique (how to make seamless soundscapes loops)

Have you ever tried making a soundscape by using your looper, only to find out it's almost impossible to get a seamless loop?

If so, you need to...

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TC Electronic Quintessence Harmonizer - 10 Harmonized Ambient Guitar Atmospheres

This demo is meant to be a musical showcase of the TC Electronic Quitessence harmonizer pedal.

I'm using it in musical contexts by adding delays...

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Does Gear Matter? (more nuance into the debate)

Does gear matter?

Or is it only the musician behind the instrument that matters?

Whenever I hear people on both sides of this argument, I find it...

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