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The cycle of infinite chords (my amazing discovery!)

You might be familiar with the Circle of Fifths.

It's a helpful tool to create chord progressions that flow nicely and sound logical.

But I found...

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Fast Sliding Guitar Slurs (best technique for tasty playing!)

If you listen to a guitar player and find his playing tasty, there is a big chance that he's/she's using a particular technique: fast sliding...

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How To Write Chord Progressions in Any Key

Finding the chords of any key and organizing them in a beautiful chord progression that flows nicely is easier than you think!

In this video, and...

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How To Craft The Best Shimmer Reverb Tone

If there is one reverb type that I've seen the most people hate, it has got to be shimmer!

Many people find shimmer gimmicky, annoying, sterile,...

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Pitch Axis Theory: Joe Satriani's Spectacular Concept

The Pitch Axis Theory is a super fun and creative way to explore different keys and modes on the guitar.

It has been popularized by guitar hero Joe...

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3 Cool Ways To Stack Reverb Pedals

Today, we're going to learn the best ways to stack reverb pedals together to get awesome tones!

It is more common to stack delay pedals to get a...

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Beautiful Suspended Chord Embellishments on Guitar

In this lesson, I'll show you a formula on how to quickly locate beautiful suspended chord embellishments on any chord of your key.

It helps add...

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How To Use Ping Pong Delays

My favorite type of stereo delay is Ping Pong: a cool delay type that bounces from left to right, giving you a super wide spread.

In my new...

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Sage Songwriting Advice From My 10 Years Younger Self

Today marks the 10-year anniversary of my first solo guitar album.

While relistening to it, I was amazed at the wisdom I got from both analyzing...

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Must-know AUGMENTED chord move! 😲

If you don't know how to use augmented chords to make beautiful chord progressions on guitar, this is for you!

I'm going to show you 3 ways...

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