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Neunaber Wet Reverberator Plugin Demo

In this video, I demonstrate the Neunaber Wet Reverberator Plugin. 

It is very flexible to use in a recording software. I love the wet...

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This Simple Pattern Tells You Every Chord In Every Key

I've met with an old guitar teacher of mine recently, and he taught me this simple pattern that is a real game changer!

With it you can figure out...

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5 Reasons Why I Don't Use a Compressor Pedal Anymore

In this video, I go throught 5 reasons why I don't feel like using my compressor pedal anymore.

You might reconsider if you truly need a...

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Strymon Deco Demo

Here is a demo of the Strymon Deco tape saturation & doubletracker. 

I played 10 sound clips using this pedal, no talking. 


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The Ultimate Post Rock Chord Progression

This is what I consider to be the Ultimate Post-Rock Chord Progression.

It has been used in countless of songs and for a good reason: it is very...

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Get HUGE Ambient Swells with This Octaver Trick

In this video, we see how to get those HUGE swells that sound bigger than the whole world.

This is the kind of sound that always sits nicely in...

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Pink Floyd's Most Iconic Chord Analysis

This might be the best chord of all time.

I always get goosebumps when David Gilmour plays this chord on ''Shine on You Crazy Diamond''.

There is...

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The Ludovico Einaudi Chord

In this video, we explore a chord used by Italian composer Ludovico Einaudi in his popular song Una Mattina.

Usually this kind of voicing is...

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Mellotron Ambient Tones (ambient guitar tutorial)

In this video, I want to show you some settings for marvelous mellotron ambient tones combinations with the EHX Mel9 and delays & reverbs....

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Electro Harmonix Mel9 - 10 Cool Ambient Guitar Sounds

Here is a demo of the Electro Harmonix Mel9 pedal with ambient sounds.

No talking, just 10 sound clips. 


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