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Catalinbread Belle Epoch Tape Echo - Musical Demo

This is my demo of the Catalinbread Belle Epoch Tape Echo guitar pedal.

I have never played with an original EP-3, Echoplex, so I can't compare...

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Change keys easily on guitar by using this ONE chord

In this lesson, I am showing you how you can easily modulate or change keys in your song by using this one special chord.

This chord is a nice...

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Avoid These 9 Mistakes When Buying Used Gear

Buying used is great if you want to save money and acquire gear you couldn't afford otherwise.

But there are many mistakes to avoid if you don't...

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Hans Zimmer Chord Concepts To Learn on Guitar

Today, I'm going to show you 2 concepts in the music of Hans Zimmer (like in the songs 'Interstellar Main Theme' and 'Time' from the movie...

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7 Tips For Guitar Players With Small Hands Or Short Fingers (To Reach More Chords!)

This guitar lesson is for guitar players who have short fingers or small hands.

I taught dozens of people with small hands, whether they were kids...

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Don’t play your MINOR Chords this way either (try them like this instead)

In this follow up lesson to my ‘’Don’t play Major chords this way’’ video from a few days ago, I'm showing you Minor...

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Slash Chords vs. Chord Inversions (what's the difference?)

What is the difference between a slash chord and a chord inversion?

Quite simple!

- A chord inversion is when the lowest note or the bass note, is...

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Don't play your Major chords this way (play them like this instead)

In this lesson, I'm showing you Major chord shapes that are way better than the typical barre shapes that we all learn.

To understand why they are...

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Is The Gear Acquisition Syndrome a Phase You Have To Go Through To Find The Gear You Like?

In this follow up video to my ''7 Steps To Cure Gear Acquisition Syndrome'' (which you can listen to here: https://youtu.be/ezATWGs27ts)


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Emotional Chords: How To Create The Feeling of Nostalgia

In this new lesson, I explain how to create nostalgia with your chord progressions.

For that you need to understand the concepts of:

- The...

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