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Boomerang III Phrase Sampler - Complete Looper Demo

In this video, I am showing you all functions you need to know to effectively use the Boomerang III Phrase Sampler Looper pedal.

I've been using it...

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Digitech Obscura Demo

In this video, I am demonstrating all delay types and sounds possible using the Digitech Obscura Altered Delay. 

No talking, just sounds!


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Allan Holdsworth Hardest Chords

I foolishly tried Allan Holdsworth hardest chords to fret.

If you are here because you are looking for the most difficult chords to play on guitar,...

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Neunaber Neuron (demo on real amps & direct-in with speaker emulation)

In this video I demo the many functions of the Neunaber Neuron:

Gain, EQ controls, Gate, Compressor and Speaker Simulation. 

Watch this demo to...

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Bombastic Chord Change

In this video, I show you how I wrote the intro to my prog rock band's show, by using a very bombastic chord change.

You can use it to target any...

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Futuristic Ambient Delays (Ambient Guitar Tutorial)

In this video, I show you how to play those futuristic ambient delays / ambient swells that I played in my song called ''Spaceships''.

You need the...

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Heavy Metal Chords for Ambient Guitar

In this video, I use the 2 most popular Heavy Metal chords:

The bII and the tritone chord, and show you how I would use them in my ambient music to...

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Neunaber Inspire Tri Chorus + Demo

This is a demo of the Neunaber Inspire Tri Chorus +.

I play 10 sound clips so you can hear how this pedal sounds (no talking). 

Watch on the...

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Create Modulation Effects with the Strymon Timeline

In this video, I show you how you can create different modulation effects like Chorus, Flange, Vibrato with the Strymon Timeline.

This is...

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John Petrucci's Chord Technique

In this video, we see a simple chord technique used by John Petrucci in almost any ballad he's written:

1 - Pick up a 3 string chord
2 - One of...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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