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My Favorite Foo Fighters Chords (and how Dave Grohl breaks the #1 rule of chords all the time)

In this lesson, I'm going to show you a selection of some of my favorite Foo Fighters chords, but also the songwriting principles that go with...

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EarthQuaker Devices Avalanche Run v2 - 10 Amazing Ambient Sounds

Here's my demo of the dual delay-reverb pedal from EarthQuaker Devices: the Avalanche Run v2.

Lots of possibilities with this pedal.

And I love...

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Beautiful Chords: Double Spreaded Triads

In this video, I'm showing you how you can go further than regular spread triads that I'm teaching in my free mini-course and create double...

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How To Create A Water Sound with the Strymon Timeline

I made a song, a few days ago, that started with a ''water stream'' sound created entirely with my guitar.

I want to show you how to do it!

We are...

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The Coldplay Tuning Chord Trick

Whether you are a fan of Coldplay or not, you can use some of their tuning tricks to create some richer sounding chords by using more open strings....

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Creating Ambient Guitar Moods with sus2 Chords

In this video, I show you how a neutral chord like a ''sus2'' can create so many kinds of ambient moods!

You can choose many scales or modes that...

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How To Get Deep Ambient Guitar Tones Without Relying on Reverb

I often get questions on what are my reverb settings to get deep ambient guitar tones.

But sometimes, it's not even about reverb.

If you add too...

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TC Electronic Gauss Demo - 10 Delay Clips

Here is my demo of the TC Electronic Gauss tape emulation pedal.

It is very surprising for such an affordable pedal!

Would totally recommend it if...

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2 Chords To Create Sad Emotional Guitar Music (and they are interchangeable!)

In this lesson, I am showing you 2 chord functions you can use in any key to create sad, emotional music.

They are the ''v'' and ''bVII'' chords.


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5 Fundamentals of Successful Ambient Guitar Songs

I have something special for you this week!

I went above and beyond, and created a 5-part video series on the 5 fundamentals I always rely on when...

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