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Here's why you shouldn't improve on guitar anymore

When we get started learning guitar, the motivation is internal: WE decided to play guitar, no one forced us.

But many times, that motivation...

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TC Electronic Ditto x4 - Ultimate Looper Starting Guide

In this video, I am showing you all functions you need to know to effectively use the TC Electronic Ditto x4 pedal.

I bet you’re going to...

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Play Chords in ANY KEY Under 30 Days! (The Horizontal Technique)

This exercise is not a trick or a quick fix. It's the tried-and-true principle on how you can find and remember chords in any key you want on...

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The Golden Rule Of Ambient Guitar Songwriting

In this lesson, I'm going to share the best advice I've ever heard when it comes to songwriting for ambient guitar.

This could also be applied to...

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Best Pink Floyd Chords on the album Wish You Were Here

Today, I'm going to show you the top 10 best guitar chord shapes and chord progressions on the excellent album ''Wish You Were Here'' by Pink...

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Top 10 Strymon Pedals

I'm a big fan of Strymon, I have been using their pedals for 10 years and have tried almost all of their pedals.

In this video, I will share my...

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How to use minMaj7 Chords on Guitar

Did you know that there is a weird chord called ''minMaj7''?

That's right! There is a interval combination that is often forgetten when we build...

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How To Play Guitar In Stereo (everything you need to know)

Playing guitar in stereo is way simpler than you think!

People are often confused and ask me:

'' Which stereo amp should I buy? ''

'' What kind...

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Why SUS2 and SUS4 Chords Are Identical Chords

If I told you SUS2 and SUS4 chords are exactly the same chord, note for note, would you believe me?

Because that's the truth: they ARE identical!


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31 Beautiful ''ADD11'' Chords (everyone should know)

In this lesson, I am showing you some of the best ADD11 chord shapes that you can use all over the fretboard in close and open string positions.


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