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Interstellar by Hans Zimmer: why it has an emotional and addictive chord progression

In this lesson, I explore the reasons why I think Interstellar Main Theme by Hans Zimmer has a perfect emotional and addictive chord progression.


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Chord Clones

What are chord clones and why are they important?

If you want to write music on your guitar that is going to convey the right emotions, you need to...

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Walrus Audio Julia Demo

The Walrus Audio Julia is a simple Chorus/Vibrato pedal, but it's extremely rich and lush. One of the best I've tried to date!

I was really...

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What are chordioids?

In this video, I'm going to show you what are chordioids: fragments of chords that can't be categorized.

After a while, regular open chords and...

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How To Prevent People From Downloading Your Music Illegally

How to prevent people from downloading your music for free, illegally or pirating your music?

The answer is: don't try to prevent them! Just don't.


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What's the difference between Maj9 and Add9 chords?

What is the difference between add9 chords and maj9 chords? Aren't those the same thing?

Not exactly.

In this video I explain the difference...

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Digitech Polara Reverb Demo

In this video, I demonstrate all types of reverbs and sounds you can get with the Digitech Polara reverb pedal. 

No talking, just playing.


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GOD Chords

Today, I'm showing you how to use GOD Chords to make epic chord progressions!

It's basically Chromatic Mediants and Tritone chords used randomly,...

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Top 5 Mistakes With Reverb Pedals

Here’s a Top 5 mistakes with reverb pedals!

What we cover in this video:

- Settings for always on reverbs
- Pre-delay: what it does and why it...

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Top 5 mistakes with delay pedals

In this video, I share 5 things I would have wanted to know with delay pedals when I first started.

A delay pedal seems really straight forward,...

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