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MUST KNOW Post-Rock Chord Theory (amazing sounds!)

This chord theory guitar lesson is a must for guitar players who are searching for more ways to be creative with their chord choices to add...

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Frippertronics: Ambient Guitar Tutorial

Let's learn the technique popularized by Brian Eno and Robert Fripp more than 50 years ago: Frippertronics.

The principle is quite simple: we are...

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The DARKEST Chord Changer EVER!

The darkest chord change ever is to use a Major chord at the most unexpected place in a minor key.

In this lesson, I'll show you a music example of...

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Pedal Points Drones - Ambient Guitar Tutorial

In this lesson, I'm going to show you the secret of how most ambient guitar players create awesome ambiance: pedal point drones. 


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How To Play LoFi / Neo Soul Guitar (tones and chords)

In this video, I'm going to teach you how to play guitar in a LoFi / Neo Soul style.

We're going to start by seeing how we can quickly get a nice...

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eBow tutorial: Settings, Techniques and Exercises

Have you ever heard of the eBow? It's a string sustainer that can give you infinite sustain on electric guitar - in the same way that a violinist...

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The Inverted Drop D Tuning (Chords sounds beautiful with it!)

The most popular tuning on guitar (other than standard tuning, of course!) is probably Drop D, where you lower the low E string down to a D.


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Epic triad exercises for guitar (sounds like movie music!)

This is a guitar exercise that my students all LOVE. It sounds epic and is super fun and addictive to play on guitar.

It also helps you connect...

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Ultimate Ear Training Lesson For Guitar!

Are you trying to play on guitar what you hear in your head but finding it too difficult? Can't seem to translate the beautiful melodies and chords...

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How To Use Delay Pedal Subdivisions

In this new ambient guitar tutorial episode, I'm going to demystify delay pedal subdivisions.

While many videos are great at explaning what the...

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