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Top 10 Explosions In The Sky Chords

This lesson is a treat for me! I'm showing you the Top 10 chord shapes and chord progressions in one of my favorite post rock albums of all time:...

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The Root Causes of Gear Acquisition Syndrome

The Gear Acquisition Syndrome (G.A.S.) hides other deeper issues within it. We all know that the problem isn't the gear itself - it's us.


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Why SUS6 Chords Don't Exist (but we see them everywhere)

Have you ever wondered why we get sus2 and sus4 chords, but never sus6 chords?

It should be logical: our triads are made of 1 - 3 - 5. So if we can...

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How To Use Augmented Chords Musically On Guitar

In this guitar lesson, I'm going to show you how to build the most practical augmented chord shapes, teach you the fascinating reason why augmented...

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How To Setup Dotted 8th Delays With A Tap Tempo

Here is a quick tutorial on how to set up dotted 8th delays (or dotted eigth delays, to get all spellings!) quickly with a tap tempo.

It works...

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How To Play Half-Diminished Chords Musically On Guitar

Many guitar teachers tell you to ignore the 7th chord of your key, because it's trickier to use, it's the only chord that's not Major or minor, and...

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Top 10 Led Zeppelin Chords (IV album)

In this lesson, we're going to learn the Top 10 chord shapes and chord progressions we can learn from the iconic album ''IV'' of Led Zeppelin.


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Why You Need A Volume Pedal For Ambient Guitar

In this lesson, I'm giving you 5 reasons why using a volume pedal is much more preferrable than using your volume knob to play ambient guitar.


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Chords To Practice On Guitar If You Can't Use One Of Your Fingers

If you can't use one of your fingers to play guitar for any reason (permanent or temporary injury, condition from birth, severe case of trigger...

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10 Ways To Reduce Your Guitar Amps Noise, Buzz or Hum (without a noise gate pedal)

Do you have an annoying hum, buzz, hiss or noise on your guitar amp that you can't get rid of? Then, this video is for you!

I'm going to give you...

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