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DADGAD Tuning - Chords To Get Started

Alternate tunings are about exploration and getting rid of your patterns on the fretboard.

So today, let's tune in DADGAD tuning and I will give...

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Ambient Modal Clusters (beautiful chords, but very hard!)

In this video, I am showing you some chords from one of my songs to talk about Modal Clusters. 

These chords are hard to play, but absolutely...

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Why I Own Only One Electric Guitar

I would describe myself as a minimalist. It doesn't mean I do not own stuff. It means I am conscientious about what I own. I want everything I own...

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How To Find The Right Guitar Chords for the Right Moods

In this video, I explore the relationship between chords and moods. 

How to choose the right chords for the right moods when writing music?...

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How To Make Your Chords Sound More AMBIENT!

Some types of chords work more than other for ambient guitar, but why is it so?

We have to study how the voicings of a chord impact the style of...

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Strymon Big Sky Cab Filter - Demo for Ambient Guitar sounds

I have the Strymon Big Sky since almost 6 years, and I never tried the Cab Filter function on it... it's crazy... let's change that today!

I tried...

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How Eddie Van Halen breaks the rules of SUS4 chords

In this lesson, I show you how Eddie Van Halen uses SUS4 chords in a very different ways in the song ''Unchained''.

The chromatic approach in the...

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Trippy Frozen Reverbs - Ambient Guitar Tutorial

Here is how I approached creating a trippy frozen reverb sound for one of my ambient guitar songs.

My goal was to push an unorthodox reverb as far...

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Strymon Volante vs. Strymon El Capistan - Tape Loopers Comparison

You asked for it... here it is: a comparison of the loopers of the Strymon Volante vs. the Strymon El Capistan.

I have to say that the Volante...

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Deteriorated Wash & Random High Pitch Swells - Ambient Guitar Tutorial

Here I show you how I created the sounds of my Ambient Sketch #73, since some of you seemed very interested of knowing how I came up with these...

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