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How To Run Your Pedalboard In Stereo

Having a stereo pedalboard and rig can get confusing.

What's possible? What's not possible? What should I plug where? Do all my pedals need to have...

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Is It Better To Stack 2 Stereo Delays or 1 Mono & 1 Stereo?

Is it better to have 1 mono delay and 1 stereo delay when stacking delays, or just to go all in with 2 stereo delays?

In this video I compare both...

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Are Expensive Instrument Cables Worth It?

Is it worth it to spend 80$ for a single instrument cable?

In this video I am comparing the equivalent of regular cables found in any music store...

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What Is The Difference Between True Bypass and Buffered Bypass (Made Simple)

Today we're discussing the difference between True Bypass and Buffered Bypass guitar pedals.

What are the pros and cons of each?

There are some...

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What is the difference between Digital, Analog and Tape delay types?

What is the difference between delay types like Digital, Tape and Analog? 

In this video I show you with sound examples and explanations what...

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What is a Partscaster?

Are you looking to buy or trade for a new guitar, and you get offered a Partscaster. But exactly is a partscaster?

In this video, I explain what is...

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Strymon DIG Demo - 10 Sound Clips

Here is a demo of 10 sounds using the Strymon DIG dual digital delay. 

This pedal is magnificent to create ambient tones. There are so many...

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Strymon Ola Demo - 10 Sound Clips

Here is a demo of the Strymon Ola dBucket Chorus & Vibrato. 

Instead of talking, I just play and demonstrate 10 different sound you can get...

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How To Record a Killer Direct Input Bass Tone (with Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI)

When we plug our bass directly into the audio interface, it sounds dull and lifeless. 

But it's possible to get a better tone just by plugin...

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How To Remove The Noise From An Overly Noisy Guitar Track Recording

When you record distorted guitar tones in your software, you might get a lot of noise in your recordings. Is this possible to fix it without having...

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