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How To Dial The Best Shimmer Sound (with the Strymon BigSky)

Fact: Shimmer reverb is all or nothing. You either like it or don't like it...


You can dial a very pleasant shimmer reverb sound (even if...

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How To Triple The Amount of Guitar Chords You Know

Today I show you how you can triple the number of chords you know with the concept of inversions.

Inverting the chords you already know allows you...

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2-Handed Tapping Chord Shapes

In this lesson I am showing you my favorite chord shapes for 2-handed tapping in an ambient guitar context.

By combining the spread triads and the...

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The Best & Easiest Intervals for Ambient Guitar (6th Intervals)

In this lesson, I am showing you a very easy sequence of intervals to play to get that ambient guitar sound: the Major 6th and the minor 6th...

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How To Voice Chords For Ambient Guitar (The 3 Regions Rule)

Here is my own take on how to voice your chords for ambient guitar looping and get a crystal clear sound with your chords and loops.

I explain to...

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Mission Engineering VM-Pro Volume Pedal Demo

In this video, I test the Mission Engineering VM-Pro Volume Pedal. 

I show you all the awesome features of this pedal, such as:

- Pressure...

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Wooden Guitar Picks vs. Plastic Guitar Picks

What is the difference between wooden and plastic picks?

And most importantly, what's the fuss about wooden picks? Are they really worth the price?...

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TC Electronic Hall of Fame Reverb Demo

Here are 10 sound clips of the TC Electronic Hall of Fame version 1. 

No talking, just beautiful ambient sounds!

This is a very versatile pedal...

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4 Ways To Setup Dotted Eighth Delays on Any Delay Pedal

I received this question a few times: ''Does this delay do dotted eighths?''.

In fact, any delay can do it with the right tricks!

In this...

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How To Create Clickable Links on Your Bandcamp Header

Here is a very simple and straight-forward tutorial on how to create clickable links on your Bandcamp header.

This is really a must for any artist...

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