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2 Easy Tricks To Get A Stereo Sound With A Mono Amplifier Recording

If you can't afford a second amp to play in stereo, try these 2 very easy tricks using stock plugins inside your recording software.

It's going to...

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Strymon Sunset Demo - 10 Sound Clips

Here is a demo of the Strymon Sunset. 

No talking, just sounds!

*Note: I added delay, reverb, stereo effects inside of Cubase for your...

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Effects Loop Explanation - How to Plug it & Sound Comparison vs. Front End

- What is the effects loop?
- How do you plug your cables for it?
- How does the effects loop sound compared to the front end?
- Do I really need...

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2 Simple Chords To Sound Like Pink Floyd & Movie Music

In this lesson, I show you 2 chords that you can use to create wonderful Pink Floyd ambience.

It's also used a lot in movie music to introduce...

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9 Ways to Use an Octaver Pedal for Ambient Guitar

In this video, I show you 9 ideas on how you can utilize an octave pedal to improve or add on to your ambient guitar sounds with my Earthquaker...

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How To Make Your Ambient Guitar Drones Fit on Chord Changes

In this lesson, I teach you my approach to make my ambient guitar drones fit on top of my chord progressions.

You will learn the theory behind it,...

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How To Create Ambient Guitar Drone Effects

In this video, I show you how to create ambient guitar drones with only one pedal.

I cover all the parameters and functions using the Strymon Big...

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Drop D Tuning Chord Shapes

In this lesson, I will show you many guitar chord shapes on Drop D tuning, from the simplest power chords to the hardest stretches.

Some of those...

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How To Tune a Guitar To Drop D Without a Tuner

In this video, I show you how you can tune your guitar to Drop D tuning easily without using a tuner.

I also show you a nice little trick to fake...

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How To Play Octave Shapes on Guitar

In this guitar lesson, I show you how mastering your octave shapes can help you play beautiful lines.

Also, it serves as a great tool to find the...

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