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How to use minMaj7 Chords on Guitar

Did you know that there is a weird chord called ''minMaj7''?

That's right! There is a interval combination that is often forgetten when we build seventh chords:

- Major 3rd with Major 7th (which makes a Maj7 chord)
- minor 3rd with minor 7th (which makes a min7 chord)
- Major 3rd with minor 7th (which makes a Dom7 chord)

And also... - minor 3rd with Major 7th (which makes a minMaj7 chord)

This chord is dissonant and a lot harder to use.

So in this lesson, I will show you many shapes of minMaj7 chords, and 4 ways that you can use it musically like the classic rock bands (like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and The Beatles!).


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Two Step

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