$397.00 USD

Get full access to my complementary course ‘’Chord Spicer’’ which goes even more in-depth on how to add chords outside the key to spice up your chord progressions! You get:

- The 12 unique ‘’chord spice’’ lessons
- Full 14-pages workbook 
- Scales and modes charts
- 10 backing tracks recorded by Antoine
- BONUS: full 30-min Phrygian Chord masterclass

Add my extra course ‘’Chord Spicer’’ to your order Today for only $127  $47!

KORDZ Program Platinum

 Here's what you'll get:

  • 27 modules totalcovering everything about chordal voicings - we study: spread triads, harmonization, extensions, inversions, chord-building, dissonance, modal chords, clusters, polychords, mode mixture and more!

  • The course workbook containing hundreds of new chords to learn and pre-written chord progressions to practice and implement the course content into your own playing. 

  • BONUS #1: 4 Songwriting Trainings on how to apply all the chords of the program for ambient songwriting. I write songs in front of you and explain how I use these chords!

  • BONUS #2: Access to the new section of the program called ''KORDZ Beyond'', a set of 5 new modules where we explore new chordal concepts like negative harmony, advanced modal interchange, harmonic minor harmonization, and more!

  • BONUS #3: 'Melodic Stretching & Finger Independence' practice pack, helping you improve your stretching technique on the fretboard with a collection of quick exercises and tutorials. 

  • A step-by-step, proven way to become a chordal master!